Mon 27 Jan
🌼🌸AVAiLABLE NOW ✔✅Petite Beauty 👄💦I HavE sOmE swEEt TreAts🍬🍰100%Real✅🌸🌼 - - 25
(Muskegon, Muskegon incall only I am in my own home)
Title: ╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) ♥ Elite Companion ♥ click ╚» HERE! - 26
(Muskegon, muskegon, Grand Haven, Ludington)
★outhern belle-** BEST IN TOWN **★**:)))...discreet incall .specials today:) - 28
(Muskegon, norton shores muskegon)
Sat 11 Jan
Exotic Temptress who will Captivate you with her striking Beauty!! **Quality Experience** - 28
(Muskegon, Muskegon and Surrounding)
Fri 10 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Harley Quinn, back by popular demand, MUSKEGON ONLY, IN CALL WHILE IT LASTS!!! - 25
(Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, MUSKEGON ONLY INCALL ONLY)
💋Mmm👍Yum⭐ taste ⭐this🍦TOTAL 👊👊OUT! 💨🔥HOT! Addicting 💊💉 InCall $50 & OutCall $100 Specials! - 25
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
♬ Sweet~&~Sexy Country girl** ☎discreet INCALL ☎ Tuesday Night SPECIALS!***♬ - 28
(Muskegon, near you)
♡♥♡♥Have you Been a Naughty Little boy??♥♡♥♡ - 25
(Muskegon, Muskegon incall and outcall surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan
Title: ╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) ♥ Elite Companion ♥ click ╚» HERE! - 26
(Muskegon, muskegon, Grand Haven, Ludington)
Thu 02 Jan